
Editorial Board


М. Borovyk, PhD in History, Associate prof.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper is devoted to the representation of the Holocaust in the “Kievan Notes” (Kievskie zapiski) written by Iryna Khoroshunova. The text had been positioned by its author as her war diary. In fact, it is rather an autobiographical work that was written most likely in the late 1960s on the base of a real diary. From the moment of writing this text has been changed, supplemented and rewritten several times. There are currently at least four different versions of "Notes" in archives and museums of Kiev. Focusing on the theme of the Holocaust, I plan to show how the author was looking for a possible form of correlation of her own truth about the war with the official Soviet narrative.

Key words: Iryna Khoroshunova, “Kyiv Notes”, Kyiv, Ukraine, World War II, Holocaust, Baby Yar.


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