
Editorial Board


I. Oryshchenko, PhD in History, Senior Research Officer

V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine



The article is devoted to the coverage of the life path and the scientific and professional activities of the scientist-medieval Vladimir Lyaskoronsky (1858-1920). On the basis of archival materials, the main milestones of the biography of the scientist, his teaching work are determined. The scientific works of V. Lyaskoronsky «Ethnography for Adam Bremen» and «Philippe August and its relation to the cities» are analyzed. The views of the medieval on the essence of the medieval city, its evolution, and the main features that characterized the wide movement of the urban population for gaining the right to self-government were established. The socio-economic and political foundations that influenced the support of the French King Philippe August communes and gave them a special status were identified. The connection between the development of cities and the obtaining of privileges with the process of the establishment of royal power in France, the expansion of the domain, the struggle with influential feudal lords (Plantagenets, graphs of Flanders), strengthening the military power of France in the late XII - early XIII century. The relationship between Philip Augustus and the clergy and ways of resolving conflicts between the city's population and representatives of the church are considered.

Key words: University of Kyiv, Volodymyr Liaskoronskyi, medieval studies, Middle Ages, France, city.


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