
Editorial Board


N. Nikolaiev, Dr. habil. (History)

Independent researcher, Nikolaev, Ukraine



Restoration of the chronology of Olbia Pontica IV-I centuries B.C. allowed to significantly refine the dating of a large group of inscriptions. It opens the prospect of revision of socio-political history, in particular, 2nd c. B.C. with a single chronological position. The decree in honor of Nicerat, the son of Papias, dates back to the early Roman times. The decree in honor of Stefan, the son of Alexandros belongs to the times of Mithridates VI Eupator. In the first quarter of 2nd c. B.C. a group of private dedications on granite has been issued. In the second quarter of the century is known inscription of builder walls of Posideos, the son Dionysios, which is interpreted as a measure to strengthen the city's defense from the Skilur. Four dedications of Posideos, the son of Posideos from the Naples of Scythians and one of Olbia dated to the turn of the 3rd-2nd centuries B.C. Accordingly, Posideos was not an advisor of Scilure. Traditional reading of coins legends ΒΣΕ, ΒΑΕΙΡΗ of the end of 3rd – first half of 2nd centuries B.C. as the names of the barbarian kings are only a variant of the interpretation.

Key words: Olbia, political history, 2nd century BC, inscriptions, coins, dating, prosopography.


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