
Editorial Board


H. Vertiienko, PhD in History, Research Officer

A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



In paper is provided the analysis of the Young Avestan lexis connected with the terminology of the distant weapon of Ancient Iranians – bow and arrows. The wide range of its differentiation is revealed. The new semantic interpretations and additions are offered to several terms: sruuī.staii- (designation of a horny shaft of an arrow); tiγråŋhō, aŋhū- (designation of bow tips); aštaiiō (the position of four cubit length of bow pull); arəzaži- (metaphor of an arrow); ϑanuuarətan- (metaphor of a bow-string).

Keywords: Young Avesta, terminology, weapon, bow, arrows, arrowheads.


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