
Editorial Board


O. Panchuk, senoir assistant

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine




The establishment of the Church Archaeological Museums at the Theological Academies in the second half of the nineteenth century was based on the ideas that have been formulated during the first Archaeological Congresses. The establishment of these museums lasted for more than 20 years and had a specific character to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev Theological Academies. The Church Archaeological Museum at Kiev Theological Academy led by N. I. Petrov became the center for the study of the Church History and Museology and an example for of Eparchial Museums in Ukraine. Graduates of the Kiev Theological Academy and Members of the Church of the Archaeological Society at this Academy established all Eparchial Museums and Collections of Antiquities in the second half of the XIX and at the beginning of the XX centuries. N. I. Petrov had a major influence on their work. He help to establish the Funds of Eparchial Museums and Collections of Antiquities in Ukraine. Thanks to Petrov one managed to carry out scientific attribution of many artifacts, identify the most valuable of them, and avoid mistakes and deliberate falsification. One of the most valuable finds was the manuscript of so-called "Aristotle's Gates". It was an old Russian variant of a short version of the popular in medieval Europe pseudo Aristotelian treatise Secretum Secretorum ("The Secret of Secrets", also known as the "The Secret Book of Secrets"). The treatise was written ostensibly by Aristotle for his disciple Alexander the Great. N.I. Petrov gave the manuscript for publication to Professor A. Sobolevsky. In the old Russian versions of the Secretum Secretorum he identified numerous interpolations of Devenenis and other writings of Moses ben Maimonides. The study of this manuscript continues today by scientists from many countries, the relevance of this study is constantly increasing.

Keywords: Church Archaeological Museums, Kiev Theological Academy, Eparchial Museums, Secretum Secretorum, N. I. Petrov.

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