
Editorial Board


I. Kravchenko, PhD in History, Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


St. Andrew's Church is an acknowledged masterpiece of architecture of Kyiv. In this article based on analysis of archival sources, we highlight the history of repairs in the church in the nineteenth century – at the beginning of the twentieth century. The article considers the reasons for such intense repairs and why did the building need them constantly. We studied the sources of funding for capital and current repairs of the church and the hill where it was built. The paper mentions the persons who played a special role in preservation of this monument. We investigated the role of the Kyiv Society in the Protection of ancient monuments and art in the protection of St. Andrew's Church.

Key words: Kiev St. Andrew's Church, the Kyiv Society for the Protection of ancient monuments and art, F.-B. Rastrelli, A. M. Muravjov, Fedir Titov.

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1. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Kyiv, fond 127, opys 194, sprava 179. Po soobshcheniyu Kievskogo magistrata kasatelno zabratykh protoiereem [Iosifom Zertis-] Kamenskim iz ruzhnoj Andreevskoj tserkvi deneh, i ob dache onykh v tserkov na podchinku i prochee. 1800-1801. 26 arkushiv.

2. Ibid, fond 127, opys 199, sprava 116. Po prosheniyu starokievskoj Andreevskoj gosudarstvennoj tserkvi svyashchennika Mikhaila Semenovskogo, o dozvolenii bokovye skhody pri onoj tserkvi podchinit'. 1805. 3 arkushi.

3. Ibid, fond. 127, opys 203, sprava 194. Po prosheniyu Starokievskoj Andreevskoj ruzhnoj tserkvi protoiereya Afanasiya Lahanovskoho, o snyatii dvukh sohnutykh zheleznykh krestov s onoj tserkvi. 1809. 2 arkushi.

4. Ibid, fond. 127, opys 203, sprava 208. Po soobshheniyu hubernskoho pravleniya, s predstavleniem svedeniya, chto arkhitektor otpravlen dlya utverzhdeniya krestov na Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1809. 2 arkushi.

5. Ibid, fond 127, opys 206, sprava 42. Po reportu starokievskoj Andreevskoj ruzhnoj tserkvi protoiereya Afanasiya Lahanovskoho o dozvolenii proizvest" podchinku onoj tserkvi. 1812. 5 arkushiv.

6. Ibid, fond. 127, opys 214, sprava 68. O podchinke Starokievskoj ruzhnoj Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1820. 2 arkushi.

7. Ibid, fond 127, opys 220, sprava 135. Po delu stroitel"noj komissii, uchrezhdennoj dlya yspravleniya vetkhostej Starokievskoj Andreevskoj tserkvy. 1826 – 1834. 55 arkushiv.

8. Ibid, fond 127, opys 805, sprava 18. Komitet ob ustrojstve horoda Kieva uvedomlyaet, komu imenno nablyudat" i proizvodyt" remontirovanie i potrebnoe ispravlenie Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1842 – 1843. 6 arkushiv.

9. Ibid, fond 127, opys 824, sprava 209. Po raportu prichta Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi o razreshenii proizvesti pochinky. 1852 – 1853. 17 arkushiv.

10. Ibid, fond 127, opys 830, sprava 122. Po raportu blahochinnoho Shabbatovicha ob ukreplenii hory vokruh Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1858 – 1861. 16 arkushiv.

11. Ibid, fond 127, opys 836, sprava 203. Ob ustrojstve tserkvi vo imya prepodobnoho Serhiya v fundamente Pervozvannoho apostola Andreya, v h. Kieve. 1864. 2 arkushi.

12. Ibid, fond 127, opys 838, sprava 15. Ob ispravlenii Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi i ob ukreplenii Andreevskoj hory. 1865–1867. 10 arkushiv.

13. Ibid, fond 127, opys 852, sprava 350. Ob ustrojstve v teplom hrame Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi chuhunnoho pola i kamennykh prestola y zhertvennika. 1880. 2 arkushi.

14. Ibid, fond. 127, opys 867, sprava 573. Po prosheniyu prichta i starosty Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi, o razreshenii proizvesti ukreplenie hory i tserkovnoho doma na tserkovnyj schet. 1896 – 1897. 32 arkushi.

15. Ibid, fond 127, opys 871, sprava 76. Ob ustrojstve elektrycheskoho osveshheniya v Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1912. 3 arkushi.

16. Ibid, fond 127, opys 872, sprava 41. O remonte Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1913. 4 arkushi.

17. Ibid, fond 127, opys 872, sprava 339. Ob ispravlenii, shtukaturke i pokraske Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1913. 3 arkushi.

18. Ibid, fond 127, opys 872, sprava 457. O naznachenii 6460 rub. posobiya ot kazny na soderzhanie Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1913. 9 arkushiv.

19. Ibid, fond 127, opys 874, sprava 219. O remonte Kievo-Andreevskoj tserkvi i tserkovnoho doma. 1917. 8 arkushiv.

20. Ibid, fond 127, opys 875, sprava 161a. O remonte Andreevskoj tserkvi v h. Kieve. 1844–1845. 116 arkushiv.

21. Ibid, fond 725, opys 1, sprava 30. Zhurnaly zasedanij Soveta rasporyadytel"noho komiteta i obshhikh sobranij obshhestva. 1912 – 1918. 113 arkushiv.

22. Ibid, fond 725, opys 1, sprava 81. Delo o restavracii i ukreplenii fundamenta Andreevskoj tserkvi. 1917. 135 arkushiv.

23. Ibid, fond 725, opys 1, sprava 91. Dokladnaya zapiska Soveta Andreevskoj tserkvi v Kieve o neobkhodimosti remonta tserkvi. 1917. 2 arkushi.