E. Khan, PhD in History, Junior Research Fellow,

A. Sliusarenko, Dr. habil.(History), Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper analyses the key documents and agreements signed by Ukraine concerning international cooperation, mutual recognition and participation of Ukraine in the creation of a single European educational space. In addition, we examined the part of Ukrainian universities in European programs to ensure the effective implementation of academic mobility of students and teachers, improve cooperation in higher education and disseminate European educational principles and traditions in Ukrainian high school. We listed and analysed several examples of international cooperation between Ukraine and Europe in the field of education and science, including Ukraine's participation in European educational programs and projects intended to ensure the effectiveness of international cooperation, international recognition, academic exchanges and enhance academic mobility. It was also important to characterize the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the European educational space, the example of bilateral and multilateral agreements signed our country (Agreement on partnership and cooperation, the Lisbon Convention, Bologna Declaration) and participation in international educational programs, including such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and Jean Monnet, Erasmus +, and others. Results of our research can be used while examining international educational and cultural relations and to promote European educational programs among Ukrainian students, teachers and academics. In addition, the article gives particular examples of Ukraine's participation in European educational programs and projects.

Keywords: The European Union, Bologna process, higher education and European integration.

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