
Editorial Board


A. Pilkevych, PhD in History, Assistant Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article studies the impact of Antiquity on the Ukrainian culture and society. We explore "the Ukrainian antiquity", so to say the perception of the heritage of Ancient Greeks and Romans in the Ukrainian philosophy and literature during the last four centuries. The Greeks were the first major European civilization to create a complex literature, and their works influence us today in many ways. The article shows how the presence of the Antiquity is still felt daily in the institutions, and the thought of the Western Europe and Ukraine. The principles of the "Antiquity modus" endured to form the basis of social and cultural systems in many European countries and of places influenced by Europe. Special attention was paid to the questions of impact of Classical Literature on Modern and Contemporary Literature. It is shown how the Ancient Greek and Roman ideas of philosophy and literature can be traced across time in the history of Ukraine. The reverence for baroque heritage with the prominent feature of synthesis of the Renaissance and ancient classicism became the point of the new paradigm.

Keywords: Antiquity, Civilizational heritage, culture, Ukraine, European Civilization, European integration, education.

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