
Editorial Board


A. Petrauskene, PhD student

Institute of Archaeology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


In the Northeastern outskirts of Olevsk city, in the natural boundary Babyna Gora the archeological site of Kievan Rus time is located. Since 2009 at the invitation of Olevsk Municipal Executive Committee, Zhytomyr archaeological expedition IA NASU is constantly working on the site. Expedition focuses on key issues: the research of cultural layers in the center of the modern city and on the archaeological complex in the natural boundary Babyna Gora, the study the archaeological sites near the ancient city and vicinity with consequent developing of an open-air museum. The territory of the future museum will be free not only from land and from building alterations but of communication networks, that allows to continue the sight research. The paper highlights three main sections that constitute the museum – the town, the suburb and a section of live history – the ethnographic one.

Keywords: hillfort, museum, experimental archaeology.

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